Hi, I have used irssi for a long time and am accustomed to some of its
features but want to try erc. I need to know if it can do the following:

1. irc command history, if I type something in an irc buffer, either a
   /command or just some text, can up arrow recall it? It seems not to
   do that by default. 

2. beep the terminal on highlights (erc-sound-el seems only able to play
sound files)

3. beep the terminal on each message in a /query or /msg window (by this
   i mean if I am having a private conversation, beep my terminal each
   time the other person says something. I often have a conversation
   that is slow and drawn out as we are both doing other things so I
   like this feature alot)

There are of course other things, logging, auto identify on multiple
networks, auto join channels and so on, but these seem pretty well
covered and simple to do from looking at the wiki.

Thank you.

-----Angelina Carlton-----
orchid on irc.freenode.net

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