On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:09:39AM +0800, Steven Woody wrote:
> >> How can I make emacs automatically format paragraphs visually, 
> >> without breaking words and without inserting newlines?
> >
> > The "fill" functions do not break words but they
> > do insert newlines. I think that what you looking 
> > for ("soft" breaks) is accomplished by the package 
> i can only see two possibilities, wrap the text or 'newline' it. is the "soft
> break" the 3rd one? what is it?

Probably what you mean by "wrap".

,----[ longlines.el ]
| ;; Some text editors save text files with long lines, and they
| ;; automatically break these lines at whitespace, without actually
| ;; inserting any newline characters. When doing `M-q' in Emacs, you
| ;; are inserting newline characters. Longlines mode provides a file
| ;; format which wraps the long lines when reading a file and unwraps
| ;; the lines when saving the file. It can also wrap and unwrap
| ;; automatically as editing takes place.

This is helpfull for example for searching for phrases acros lines, 
for using emacs to edit wiki pages and probably for other reasons 
that I can't think of right now.

> > "longlines.el". Have a look
> >
> > http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/longlines.el

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