On Mon, Aug 01 2005, Jochen Küpper wrote:

> Reiner Steib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> (setq recentf-menu-filter 'recentf-show-basenames) or
>> `M-x customize-variable RET recentf-menu-filter RET'
> Could recentf-menu-filter be change into list of filter functions, so
> that one could write the following, for example?
> ,----
> | (setq recentf-menu-filter '(recentf-show-basenames recentf-arrange-by-mode))
> `----

Probably, just a small matter of programming I'd guess. :-)
Maybe the sorting an displaying should be decoupled.

IMHO `recentf-arrange-rules' should have more entries e.g. like
`msb-mode' (see `msb--few-menus' or `msb--very-many-menus').  Maybe
these lists or `auto-mode-alist' could be used in `recentf.el'.  (The
problem is that msb checks the mode of buffers whereas recentf has to
rely on the filename.)

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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