Am 03.08.2005 um 15:28 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  character: š (01210241, 331937, 0x510a1)
charset: mule-unicode-0100-24ff (Unicode characters of the range U+0100..U+24FF.)
 code point: 33 33
     syntax: word
   category: l:Latin
buffer code: 0x9C 0xF4 0xA1 0xA1
  file code: B9 (encoded by coding system iso-latin-2-unix)
font: -outline-Courier New-normal-r-normal-normal-13-97-96-96-c-80-iso10646-1

My own test file with ISO 8859-2 encoding has this in GNU Emacs 23:

        character: š (0541, 353, 0x161)
preferred charset: iso-8859-2 (ISO/IEC 8859/2)
       code point: 0xB9
           syntax: w    which means: word
         category: j:Japanese   l:Latin
      buffer code: 0xC5 0xA1
        file code: 0xB9 (encoded by coding system iso-latin-2-unix)
          display: by this font (glyph code)
-B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75-M-60-ISO10646-1 (0x161)

and this in GNU Emacs 22 and 21.3:

  character: š (04471, 2361, 0x939, U+0161)
    charset: [latin-iso8859-2]
(Right-Hand Part of Latin Alphabet 2 (ISO/IEC 8859-2): ISO-IR-101.)
 code point: [57]
     syntax: w  which means: word
   category: l:Latin
buffer code: 0x82 0xB9
  file code: 0xB9 (encoded by coding system iso-latin-2-unix)
    display: by this font (glyph code)
-B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75-M-60-ISO8859-2 (0xB9)

Both use the right charset and encoding. If you close and open again that file and it has that '-*- coding: iso-8859-2; -*-' in its header, among the first six or nine lines, Emacs should switch to that coding -- except you have at the file's end a block of local or file variables that say something different. Or it has a fixation to a specific coding-system. Did you launch your Emacs after changing .emacs? Can you check the variable's state (C-h v on this variable in .emacs in newly launched Emacs)? If it's something different than set then you either have this statement not executed or it exists more than once and gets reset some time after this line ... What does your file's tail look like?

The last thing I think of is the use of fontsets instead of fonts. What is your status?

Your file has at LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON's position the correct byte, 0xB9. So it is presumingly still correctly encoded. To see it in ISO/IEC 8859-2 you can revert-buffer-with-coding-system, C-x RET r CODING-SYSTEM. Use M-x list-coding-systems to see what your system has.



Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau: à chaque nouvelle cuvée on sait que ce sera dégueulasse, mais on en prend quand même, par masochisme.

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