Pascal Bourguignon wrote:

File: elisp,  Node: Window Internals

Thanks, I did not know this was available. Then the windows in each
frame can be seen as a tree using those fields you mentioned. But what
should then be done with this? What should the mapping between this
tree and the visual view be? It looks to me that the level in the tree
alone will not give any useful hint. The topology (ie whether the
splitting was horizontal or vertical) must be taken into account, but
maybe the level in the tree can be used too? It actually looks a bit

Well, it's only available to the C programmer...
I noticed when I tried to implement the algorithm I suggested. However it should be possible to find the split tree with a bit of work. It may fail when window borders meat each like a + so to say, but maybe trying to change the window sizes can resolve such cases. So I was wrong I think. It is not absolutely necessary to have the access to those hchild etc.

I guess you are counting the children in each sub tree (something similar to what I suggested though you may not have read that)? Maybe it should be good with some weights for a user to customize?

Finding the split tree is a bit tricky to say the least. You have to imagine a split tree and start to pick up the windows from the leafs and work upwards. Maybe thinking in sets helps? There are certain cases where you can not know how the split tree actually was (like three windows above each other), but from a user perspective those are perhaps better handled as a node with three childs whether that is the case in the internal split tree or not. (Perhaps this shows that it is better not to use the internal split tree?)

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