Did you re-read the .emacs file after you edited it.

E.g., restart emacs, or point to the end of the statement
and C-x C-e (C-x C-e runs the command eval-last-sexp).

The extra quotes might work, but mine looks like:

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(
                ("\\.[Ss]$"       . asm-mode)
                ("\\.68k$"        . asm-mode)
                ("\\.inc$"        . asm-mode)
                ("\\.[bB][aA][tT]$"     . bat-mode)
                ("\\.x$"          . c-mode)
                ) auto-mode-alist))

> I went through the code in the .emacs file and tried to add .pc file
> extensions to the auto-mode-alist, but it still doesn't color my .pc
> (Pro*C)
> files when I bring them up.  I am runnig emacs on Windows. Got any
> suggestions?
> ;; This is how emacs tells the file type by the file suffix.
> (setq auto-mode-alist
>       (append '(("\\.mss$" . scribe-mode))
>             '(("\\.bib$" . bibtex-mode))
>             '(("\\.tex$" . latex-mode))
>             '(("\\.obj$" . lisp-mode))
>             '(("\\.st$"  . smalltalk-mode))
>             '(("\\.Z$"   . uncompress-while-visiting))
>             '(("\\.cs$"  . indented-text-mode))
>             '(("\\.C$"   . c++-mode))
>             '(("\\.cc$"  . c++-mode))
>             '(("\\.icc$" . c++-mode))
>             '(("\\.c$"   . c-mode))
>             '(("\\.pc$"   . c-mode))
>             '(("\\.y$"   . c-mode))
>             '(("\\.h$"   . c++-mode))
>             auto-mode-alist))

Ken Goldman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   914-784-7646
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