Baloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello
> coding in C++, I have a linked list to store int, but when I store
> double it is not working and I tried to find out why but could not, 
> thanks for looking at this problem
> output************************************************************
> @debian:~/Exercies/ThinkingInC++/Vol1/4thCh/7$ ./proj1
> dblStash.fetch(0) = 0
> dblStash.fetch(1) = 1
> dblStash.fetch(2) = 2
> dblStash.fetch(3) = 3
> dblStash.fetch(4) = 4
> freeing storage
> @debian:~/Exercies/ThinkingInC++/Vol1/4thCh/7$ ./proj1
> dblStash.fetch(0) = 1.6976e-313
> dblStash.fetch(1) = 1.6976e-313
> dblStash.fetch(2) = 1.6976e-313
> dblStash.fetch(3) = 1.6976e-313
> dblStash.fetch(4) = 1.6976e-313
> freeing storage
> @debian:~/Exercies/ThinkingInC++/Vol1/4thCh/7$

You need to  put doubles into the list if you want to get doubles out of it!
This is the standard GIGO principle: garbage in, garbage out.

>       dblStash.add(&i);

Replace with:

        double d=(double)i;

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
In deep sleep hear sound,
Cat vomit hairball somewhere.
Will find in morning.
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