>From Divine Tarawally.
Abidjan-Cote D'Ivoire.

Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Divine Tarawally from Ivory Coast,23 years of age. I am an
orphan I lost my father a couple of months ago. My father was a serving
director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death . He was
assassinated last year january 2004 by the rebels following the political

Before his death he had a foreign account here in Côte D'Ivoire up to
the tune of $18m which he told the bank was for the importation of cocoa
processing machine.

I want you to do me a favour to receive this fund to a safe account in
your country or any safer place as the benficiary.

I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and
industrial production. This is my reason for writing to you. Please if
you are willing to assist me indicate your interest in replying

Thanks and best regards.

Divine Tarawally.


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