Baloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Neon Absentius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Sat, Sep 03, 2005 at 06:03:03PM +1000, Baloff wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello
> > > 
> > > I have been trying to find the name of the variable to change file
> > > association with an application. according to the book I am reading
> > > it is called Dired-view-command-alist. but not in emacs 21.4a-1 under 
> > > Debian. does any one know what the name of the variable is.
> > > I tried C-h [a to z] for no avail.
> > > 
> > 
> > ,----[ C-h v dired-guess-shell-alist-user RET ]
> > | dired-guess-shell-alist-user's value is shown below.
> > | 
> > | Documentation:
> > | User-defined alist of rules for suggested commands.
> > | These rules take precedence over the predefined rules in the variable
> > | `dired-guess-shell-alist-default' (to which they are prepended).
> > | 
> > | Each element of this list looks like
> > | 
> > |     (REGEXP COMMAND...)
> > | 
> > | where each COMMAND can either be a string or a lisp expression that 
> > evaluates
> > | to a string.  If several COMMANDs are given, the first one will be the 
> > default
> > | and the rest will be added temporarily to the history and can be retrieved
> > | with M-x previous-history-element (M-p) .
> > | 
> > | You can set this variable in your ~/.emacs.  For example, to add rules for
> > | `.foo' and `.bar' files, write
> > | 
> > |  (setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
> > |        (list (list "\\.foo\\'" "FOO-COMMAND");; fixed rule
> > |               ;; possibly more rules ...
> > |               (list "\\.bar\'";; rule with condition test
> > |                     '(if condition
> > |                           "BAR-COMMAND-1"
> > |                         "BAR-COMMAND-2"))))
> > | 
> > | You can customize this variable.
> > | 
> > | Defined in `dired-x'.
> > | 
> > | Value:
> > | (("\\.pdf$" "xpdf * &")
> > |  ("\\.pdf\\.gz$" "zxpdf * &")
> > |  ("\\.dvi$" "xdvi * &")
> > |  ("\\.ps$" "gv --spartan * &")
> > |  ("\\.eps$" "gv --spartan * &")
> > |  ("\\.ps\\.gz$" "gv --spartan * &")
> > |  ("\\.rtf$" "ted * &")
> > |  ("\\.jpeg$" "display * &")
> > |  ("\\.jpg$" "display * &")
> > |  ("\\.gif$" "display * &")
> > |  ("\\.png$" "display * &"))
> > `----
> what emacs version are you using? I cannot find this variable in the
> package emacs 21.4a-1 packaged by Debian.
> > 
> > 
> > > thanks
> > > 
> > > >  LocalWords:  Dired alist
> > 
> > -- 
> > Most precious among the relics remaining of Peter's skeleton in the
> > Vatican are 29 fragments of one of his skulls. (St. Peter's other
> > skull is preserved in a reliquary at the Cathedral of St. John
> > Lateran.)
> >    -- Frank R. Zindler, "Of Bones and Boners"

I think it might be defined in dired-x, which you need to load
explicitly. It is certainly available with emacs 21.4 on Debian. 


Tim Cross
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