I have an example python program in 
a buffer called test.py 

am using GNU Emacs 21.3.2 (a mandrake version)
C-h m  shows python bindings for that buffer 

So when I C-c C-c  (py-execute-buffer)  
I receive the error;  

"Wrong argument type: sequencep, cpython"  

Whereas the same python program saved chmod +x and 
run from the $ prompt works fine. 

How should I go about finding out about that error message ? 

Should I download the emacs python stuff from 
www.python.org/emacs ? 
as that would involve crashing it in on top of any existing 
python bindings that I seem to have at present. 
and it says there Emacs 20 versions, whereas I'm on 21.3 

Should I remove the existing Python package from 
my current emacs before installing the python ones ? 

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