"Paminu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the system that I use I have access to diffenrent machines A and B. I 
> would now in my .emacs file make a test if I login to machinetype A or B 
> because some of the mode files only works for programs on machine A or B.

  How do you characterize a machine type ? On which criteria are you
  based ?

  If the machine name is enough, use (system-name).

    Michael Cadilhac, a.k.a. Micha [mika] |
                    Epita/LRDE promo 2007 |   )\._.,--....,'``.
  2 rue de la Convention | |  /.  _.. \   _\  (` ._,.
94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre | | '._.-(,_..'--(,_...`-..'

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