  what="official Lisp NYC announcement"
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 From: Heow Eide-Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: 09 Sep 2005 08:58:47 -0400

 Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, September 13th from 7:00
 to 9:00 at Trinity Lutheran Church. 

 Conrad Barski, M.D. presents: 

                  How To Tell Stuff To A Computer,
           The Enigmatic Art of Knowledge Representation

     Conrad created this presentation in order to help demistify
     the science of knowledge representation (KR for short) for
     all who are interested in this still largely
     underappreciated scientific field. Representing knowledge,
     in itself, is not a very difficult thing to understand: It
     is no mystery that computers are a great way to store and
     retrieve information. But have you ever wondered where
     things currently stand with the science behind computer
     information?  Is the way we currently use information on
     computers about as good as it can be? ...Or, can we expect
     that there are major advancements still ahead of us?
     Anyone who looks closely at the way we currently store and
     use information with computers will find that our methods
     are, at best, still rather crude.

 Conrad received his M.D. at the University of Miami School of
 Medicine. He is now working at ProVation Medical Software developing
 tools for procedure documentation, including DocuDiagrams, a novel
 system of interactive diagrams for documenting cardiology procedures. In
 a previous life, he was the lead developer on the video game "FlipOut!"
 for the Atari Jaguar game console.


 Directions to Trinity: 

 Trinity Lutheran
   602 E. 9th St. & Ave B., on Thomkins Square Park

     * From the N,R,W (8th Street NYU Stop) and the 6 (Astor Place Stop):
       Walk East 4 blocks on St. Marks, cross Thomkins Square Park.
     * From the F&V (2nd Ave Stop): Walk E one or two blocks, turn north
       for 8 short blocks
     * From the L (1st Ave Stop): Walk E one block, turn south for 5
       short blocks
     * From bus lines: The M9 drops you off at the doorstep and the M15
       is near, just get off at St. Marks & 1st Ave.
     * To get there by car: Take the FDR (East River Drive) to Houston
       then go NW till you're at 9th & B.
       Week-night parking isn't bad at all, but if you're paranoid about
       your Caddy or in a hurry, there is a parking garage on 9th between
       1st and 3rd Ave. 

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