Am 12.09.2005 um 02:58 schrieb August Karlstrom:

Am I missing something?

At least the correct Ubuntu ps syntax ... I am using a BSD style ps. 'man ps', inside Emacs as 'M-x manual-entry ps' or F1 F2, should be your friend. And it's worth doing the experiments inside GNU Emacs in its shell buffer.

Ubuntu's setup with so many sym-links reminds of Fink for Mac OS X: I never knew exactly which file now was executing, and even worse: the Fink folks messed up the site specific things with a lot of intermediate and extra files that loaded each others for unknown reasons (it is similiar to some so-called Carbon Emacsen). Do you have an idea how much longer it takes to launch Fink's GNU Emacs 21.3.50 with -Q then without -Q? Minutes. Really.

Beside this I have the feeling that Ubuntu is using a pretty old Emacs. Have you checked its version? This could explain that it does not understand -Q. Apple's gift of GNU Emacs 21.2, for use inside a terminal emulation only, does not understand -Q too.

Are you able to 'trace' a programme's execution, i.e. follow it opening and closing files, doing system calls, receiving signals etc? This way you would find which Ubuntu specific Elisp files were executed at start-up ... but it's much easier to get GNU Emacs 22.0.50 from CVS and compile it yourself. A (much better then) nice'd 'make bootstrap' in the background will take one or two hours while you're having breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or going shopping -- it should be more satisfactory in the end! To do this you'll need many Ubuntu dev packages, containing C header files needed for 'dev-elopment', i.e. compiling a software.



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