David Chmelik wrote:
> Is there a way to stop gnus from reloading everything each time, does
> it not save headers?  I found a listserv post about it which said
> delete .newsrc, but i use thunderbird to search and make .newsrc... if
> it is different format maybe i should anyway and try apropos.

I don't know.  You might want to ask on gnu.emacs.gnus

> Where do you put .el plugins?  The el site i found seems to assume one
> knows the dir and lisp... i put rmime.el in el dir, which was wrong i
> guess.  I know a little lisp from a general cs class and would like to
> learn it in emacs.

You can put .el files (Emacs Lisp libraries) anywhere you'd like, as
long as that directory is in your load-path (C-h v).  If you have write
permission in the version-independent site-lisp directory, that's the
conventional place to put them; otherwise, create a subdirectory in your
home directory for personal add-ons.

Read the Lisp Libraries node of the Emacs manual, and the Byte
Compilation node of the Emacs Lisp manual that it references.

> Can you do more in vm than rmail?  If not i avoid gui anyway... i
> tried installing vm a couple weeks ago but it did not appear in menus.

You can definitely do more in VM than Rmail, especially with MIME
support and virtual folders.  Since VM isn't part of Emacs, you should
post a more specific question on gnu.emacs.vm.info

Kevin Rodgers

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