It's possible that ffcall is not linked as a static library. Or perhaps somehow the tool is picking up the wrong library to link in. I don't really know how the setValue methods work, otherwise I could perhaps help more.

On Dec 7, 2008, at 9:43 AM, Timothy Larkin wrote:

If I compile my tool with "make", it works fine. If I compile it with "make shared=no", it fails, even on the same machine. The failure is caused when I call setValue:forKey on an object that has an instance variable with the same name as key. The stack shows (bottom to top)

My tool's call to setValue:forKey
-[NSObject forwardInvocation:]
-[NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:]
+[NSException raise:format:]

This is, I believe, the first occasion that my program calls setValue:forKey.

As far as my environment goes, I have


Timothy Larkin
Abstract Tools
Caroline, NY

On Dec 7, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Adam Fedor wrote:

On Dec 7, 2008, at 5:40 AM, Timothy Larkin wrote:

Can I infer from your reply that my goal is at least possible; that I can distribute the tool even to a platform that does not have libobjc installed? I would like to know that I have the target platform in the correct state before I start debugging the application.

Yes, it should be possible. You would have to make sure you statically linked to all libraries that were not on the target machine (even non-GNUstep ones).

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