On 08/08/2012 03:10 PM, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Kristian Fiskerstrand
> <kristian.fiskerstr...@sumptuouscapital.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to set up mod_gnutls on apache to use OpenPGP key for a TLS
>> session but I'm having some trouble getting gnutls set up correctly for
>> a handshake. If I'm not too mistaken alert(21) indicate a decryption
>> error - any hints for how I should debug this?
>> What I have so far is - using gnutls-serv and gnutls-cli - the following;
> [...]
>>     --priority NORMAL:+ANON-DH \
> Shouldn't you enable openpgp support as well? You can do that by adding
> regards,
> Nikos

Hi Nikos,

Thank you for the response and sorry for my late reply, got a bit
pre-occupied for a while there.

I adjusted the command to
gnutls-serv \
    -p 18000 \
    -g \
    --http \
    --pgpcertfile /etc/apache2/conf/sks-keyservers.net.pub.asc \
    --pgpkeyfile /etc/apache2/conf/ss/sks-keyservers.net.sec.asc \
    --pgpsubkey 19EA3DAE12200409

but I still get the same error ..

I also tried to generate dh info by certtool --generate-dh-params
and putting the params in a dh file to run
gnutls-serv \
    -p 18000 \
    --dhparams /root/dh \
    --http \
    --pgpcertfile /etc/apache2/conf/sks-keyservers.net.pub.asc \
    --pgpkeyfile /etc/apache2/conf/ss/sks-keyservers.net.sec.asc \
    --pgpsubkey 19EA3DAE12200409

with the same result. Any other hints?

Kristian Fiskerstrand
Twitter: @krifisk
Nil desperandum
Never give up
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