В Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:20:16 +0200
sas...@freenet.de пишет:

> Dear all, 
> unfortunately i was not able to find any documentation on usage of 
> conditional statements in grub configuration files.
> According to the “GNU GRUB Manual 2.00~rc1” found on http://www.gnu.org/ the 
> words 'if', 'fi', 'case', 'esac', 'in' and so on are reserved.
> Furthermore the scripting language is referred to as “Shell-like”.
> Simple “if [ $condition ]; then #dosomething; fi”-statements are not 
> problematic.
> But I wasn't able to find a functional syntax for the case-statements.

grub does not support "case" statement, at least as of now.

> To make it short: I would like to compare strings in the grub cli.
> Is there any more or less exhaustive documentation about the syntax or am I 
> just too dumb to use google?

What part is unclear?

"case" can in almost all cases be replaced with "if". Actually, perl
never had "case" too. That said, if someone implements it, I guess it
will be accepted.

To compare patters you can use regexp command. Current trunk contains a
bit more complete list of available commands. 

> The most recent version I used to test stuff was the 2.00 that comes shipped 
> with arch linux.
> What I'm trying to do:
> I want to implement a grub configuration file that automatically generates 
> menu entries.
> For en example: 
> The following procedure should create entries for (small) files to be loaded 
> with memdisk ( from the syslinux project).
> /boot/memsik is our kernel.
> Our file is the initrd.
> We assume that the files can be PREFIX_*.* or just *.* or README*.
> (e.g. README || FLOPPY_dellbiosupdate.img || freedos.img)
> The README*-files should not be processed.
> For files with a prefix, the prefix should be appended as a kernel-parameter.
> For files without there are no parameters to append.
> I supposed that this would be “shell-like” (file=$img):
> [code source=”/boot/grub/grub.cfg”]
> . ..
> insmod ext2
> insmod regexp
> . ..
> set pathtoimages=”/boot/images”
> . ..
> for img in ${pathtoimages}/*; do
>   set appendstr=””
>   ...
>   case ${img} in
>     */README*)  continue  ;;
>     */FLOPPY_*) set appendstr=${appendstr} floppy ;;
>       …
>   esac
>   menuentry “MEMDISK - $img” “$img” “$appendstr” {
>     linux16 /boot/memdisk ${3}
>     initrd16 ${2}
>   }
> done
> . ..
> [/code]
> I also tried to use other quoting notations with no success.
> Futhermore I also tried “if [[ ${img} == */FLOPPY_* ]]; ...”.
> Thank you very much in advance!
> With kind regards, 
>     Sasha B.
> P.S.: Sorry if something's misspelled, English isn't my native tongue.
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