В Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:42:13 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowl...@cloud85.net> пишет:

> During Debian installs I use manual partitioning.
> I give the partition being created a meaningful label.
> I would like that label to appear in Grub's menu.
> How?
> E.G.
> I currently have 4 flavors of Debian Wheezy installed (different 
> desktops).
> Currently the menu shows long effectively meaningless string 
> followed by "cryptic" partition designator (sa6, sa7, sa8, or 
> sa9). I would like the designator to be meaningful (i.e. GNOME, 
> KDE, LXDE, or XFCE).

You can simply edit grub.cfg. If you want grub.cfg to be generated
automatically, you can modify files under /etc/grub.d and make them do
whatever you want.

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