Dear GSL help list,

System: Dell T1600, running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I have downloaded the GSL library package (1.13 via synaptic packet
manager) to use to support another programe (HLA*IMP).

HLA*IMP provides a script to modify with the correct path to access
It is:

LIB_GSL   = /home/system/software/libs/gsl-1.9
LIBS = -L$(LIB_GSL)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas

Obviously referring to a previous version.

My problem is I cannot find any files or folders which resemble an
updated version of this anywhere, I have searched my file system, and
looked in any potential folders. 

Is anyone able to let me know if these base names have changed or
whether there is some other alteration I would be very much

many thanks in advance

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