Good morning!

I hope I'm not asking a too stupid question.

I'm trying to use the GSL Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
without an analytic Jacobian. From the GSL manual, I quote:

> int (* df) (const gsl_vector * x, void * params, gsl_matrix * J)
> this function should store the n-by-p matrix result J_ij = d f_i(x,params) / 
> d x_j in J for argument x and arbitrary parameters params, returning an 
> appropriate error code if the function cannot be computed. If an analytic 
> Jacobian is unavailable, or too expensive to compute, this function pointer 
> may be set to NULL, in which case the Jacobian will be internally computed 
> using finite difference approximations of the function f.
> int (* fdf) (const gsl_vector * x, void * params, gsl_vector * f, gsl_matrix 
> * J)
> This function should set the values of the f and J as above, for arguments x 
> and arbitrary parameters params. This function provides an optimization of 
> the separate functions for f(x) and J(x)—it is always faster to compute the 
> function and its derivative at the same time. If an analytic Jacobian is 
> unavailable, or too expensive to compute, this function pointer may be set to 
> NULL, in which case the Jacobian will be internally computed using finite 
> difference approximations of the function f.
So I tried the following section of code:

  f.f = &F;
  f.df = NULL; //&DF
  f.fdf = NULL; //&FDF

and got this result:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

when this function is called:

  gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set (s, &f, &x.vector);

I can send the complete code attached to elucidate the question,
but I advance that the fitting worked when I gave it the analytic
Jacobian. But now I want to fit arbitrary functions and an analytic
Jacobian is not an option.

Thanks for your attention,


Eduardo Novaes Hering, PhD (MSc, DSc).

17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 
Grenoble cedex 9. France.

Work:   (+33)or(0) 4 58 78 35 03
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Skype: enhering
Twitter: @enhering

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