Actually that particular error message suggests that Sameera was using
regular single quotes, not backticks as you specified. In that case,
gsl-config could be in the path and we can't tell from the output.

:) David

On 10/11/2013 02:28 PM, Rhys Ulerich wrote:
>> [svisw002@zorka2 Poisson]$ g++ -w -O4 'gsl-config --cflags' -o vsd_nbPoi 
>> *.cpp 'gsl-config --libs'
>> g++: gsl-config --cflags: No such file or directory
>> g++: gsl-config --libs: No such file or directory
>> knk_args.cpp:3:22: error: knk_args.h: No such file or directory
>> knk_args.cpp:6:20: error: njs_io.h: No such file or directory
> Ah.  I'd expected gsl-config to be in your path.  It's not.
> Have a good weekend,
> Rhys

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