
I am currently using Simulated Annealing for my work. The routines work
really nice, however, I had to add few more arguments to some of the
functions. I did this for passing the arrays read from the data file and
some additional model parameters. The main reason behind additional changes
were to calculate mean absolute error (Cost function) with the simulated
and measured data.

I found out that the following changes to the routines described in
gsl_siman.h would be required for the one who need to pass the parameters
and measurement data. I have added the work_space pointer to void:

typedef double (*gsl_siman_Efunc_t) (void *x, *void *work_space*);
> typedef void (*gsl_siman_step_t) (const gsl_rng * r, void *xp, double
> step_size, *void *work_space*);

 void gsl_siman_solve (const gsl_rng * r,
>                                    void *x0_p, gsl_siman_Efunc_t Ef,
>                                    gsl_siman_step_t take_step,
>                                    gsl_siman_metric_t distance,
>                                    gsl_siman_print_t print_position,
>                                    gsl_siman_copy_t copyfunc,
>                                    gsl_siman_copy_construct_t
> copy_constructor,
>                                    gsl_siman_destroy_t destructor,
>                                    size_t element_size,
>                                    gsl_siman_params_t params, *void
> *work_space*);

It would be nice if the above changes would be made in the future release.

Kind regards,

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