Your problem is with the other software, so you might get better advice
by posting to their mailing list. This list can help you with gsl
issues. For example, uninstalling gsl completely or managing versions of
libraries is an Ubuntu topic.

But to answer your question about gsl, does this tutorial help?

To follow this tutorial, you have to understand a little what you are
doing. For example, "gsl-*.*" does not mean that literal string with the
asterisks. It means "gsl-2.6" because 2.6 is the current stable version
(which I deduced by browsing the FTP site and then verifying here: ). That's assuming you want the latest
GSL, which you probably do but "not compatible" could mean that your
other software wants a specific version.

If you get errors when you download or make gsl, it would be appropriate
to ask about them here.

The last step is to make your other software use this GSL. I have no
idea how to do this; it may be as simple as editing the Makefile of the
software you are trying to compile. It might be a lot more complicated.


On 12/30/2019 12:51 AM, 吴奕洲 wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed gsl on ubuntu14.04, but when I compile the program, it 
> prompts me that lgsl is not compatible. So I need to change the version of 
> gsl, can you tell me how to change the version of gsl or how to uninstall gsl 
> completely, or how to solve the problem of lgsl incompatibility.I will 
> appreciate if you can help me.


Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.

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Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as
ornithology is to birds.

-- Richard Feynman

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