
I've been searching in the web to solve this problem but I haven't found any solutions. My problem is related to the allocation limit of a program using sparse matrices. My project needs very large sparse matrices, with dimensions up to, i.e., 100,000x100,000, and the program returns;

gsl: init_source.c:389: ERROR: failed to allocate space for memory block
Default GSL error handler invoked.

I've read something like memory leak in a loop, but my code can't be more simple;

gsl_spmatrix* m = gsl_spmatrix_alloc(100000, 100000);

How could I remove the limitation that prevents me for allocating space for a large matrix such like that? With dimensions 10,000x10,000 it still works, and with other libraries such as Eigen3, I'm also able to build large matrices.


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