Dear all,

This is my first message to the list in a long time.

I am trying to use the GSL and I work with Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.

I have already installed the basic packages to work with C/C++ in
Visual Studio Code. More precisely, if I am not wrong, VS Code is
using the compiler 'gcc.exe' from 'mingw64' (last version). This was
installed using an 'extension' available at VS Code.

I downloaded the last version of the GSL (2.7) and unzipped it.

I get stuck when I try to follow the installation instructions. When I
execute either ".\configure" or "./configure" in the DOS command line,
I get an error.

When I execute ".\configure" in PowerShell, I get a message asking me
which programme should be used to open this file.

And here is where I get lost.  :/

I see that a similar question was already posed here some time ago,
with no answer for now:

I hope to be luckier!

Looking forward to your answers,



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