Dear Sir or Mam,

my name is Jonas Bilal, and I am a master student at a university of applied 
science (the FHNW). At the same time, I am working for the FHNW in parallel.

However, for my work and master project, I am using the GSL Library for the 
firmware of an MCU (a STM32 Board with Arm Cortex M4). To cross-compile the GSL 
with arm-none-ebi-gcc I build up a little toolchain from the GNU-Toolchain as 
described here:
Cross-Compiling GCC Toolchain for ARM Cortex-M 
A toolchain is a set of tools that compiles source code into executables that 
can run on your target device. A toolchain normally consists of a compiler, a 
linker, and run-time libraries.

Unfortunately, it did not work, and I always got from the linker the message 
"error adding symbols: file format not recognized". I already asked in 
StackOverflow and searched on the internet (for over a week) with no result. I 
did try virtually everything.

Do you have any advice for me on how to cross-compile the gsl for the arm 
cortex m4? I would be very happy with every idea.

I have attached my bash script for cross-compiling if needed.

I would be very happy for any help.

Thank you very much.

Best regards

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