Hello Alex,

Alex Kost <alez...@gmail.com> writes:

> Oleg Pykhalov (2017-10-02 05:15 +0300) wrote:


>> Something strange happens on my machine with upgrades.  I check for new
>> available upgrades with dry-run and get “available upgrades” all the
>> time.
> [...]
>> If I upgrade again I'll get same hashes as in “Check upgrades.”.  Like a
>> loop.  It's not related to grafts, is it?
> It is: since commit fd59105c4¹, --dry-run also disables grafts, so
> using just "--dry-run" is the same as "--dry-run --no-grafts".  It was
> discussed in the following thread:
>   http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-07/msg01035.html
> ¹ 
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/commit/?id=fd59105c49965db956fac73c68d8b00d068f5d5c

Thanks for pointing.

Currently I have 87 (without GNU Emacs packages) out of 125 packages
wanna upgrades.  I wonder how to debug this.

I made a dry-run, then upgrade, then dry-run. After diff those dry-runs
shows nothing interesting.

* 1st dry-run

$ guix package --dry-run --upgrade
The following packages would be upgraded:
   aria2        1.32.0 → 1.32.0 
   audacity     2.1.3 → 2.1.3   
   bundler      1.15.4 → 1.15.4 
   chromium     59.0.3071.109 → 59.0.3071.109   
   clang        3.9.1 → 3.9.1   
   conkeror     1.0.3 → 1.0.3   
   cool-retro-term      1.0.0-1.e48719f → 1.0.0-1.e48719f       
   coq  8.5pl2 → 8.5pl2 /gnu/store/rjpb517s1lx23ixmrr5wrx50y725jp8j-coq-8.5pl2
   desktop-file-utils   0.23 → 0.23     
   emacs        25.3-1.6122596 → 25.3-1.6122596 
   emacs-ag     0.47 → 0.47     
   emacs-browse-at-remote       0.9.0-1.b5cff79 → 0.9.0-1.b5cff79       
   emacs-cider  0.15.0 → 0.15.0 
   emacs-company-lua    0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-company-quickhelp      2.3.0 → 2.3.0   
   emacs-company-tern   0.3.0 → 0.3.0   
   emacs-debbugs        0.14 → 0.14     
   emacs-dired-hacks    0.0.1-1.eda6800 → 0.0.1-1.eda6800       
   emacs-discover-my-major      1.0 → 1.0       
   emacs-dumb-jump      0.5.0 → 0.5.0   
   emacs-elisp-refs     1.2 → 1.2       
   emacs-emms   4.3 → 4.3       
   emacs-emms-player-mpv        0.0.10 → 0.0.10 
   emacs-flycheck       30 → 30 
   emacs-git-messenger  0.18 → 0.18     
   emacs-helm-notmuch   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helm-youtube   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helpful        0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-highlight-numbers      0.2.3 → 0.2.3   
   emacs-indium 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0 → 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0       
   emacs-json-mode      1.7.0 → 1.7.0   
   emacs-org-edit-latex 0.8.0 → 0.8.0   
   emacs-org-pomodoro   2.1.0 → 2.1.0   
   emacs-org-protocol-capture-html      0.0.1-1.0e39b7e → 0.0.1-1.0e39b7e       
   emacs-org-ref        1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7 → 1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7       
   emacs-pdf-tools      0.80 → 0.80     
   emacs-projectile     0.14.0 → 0.14.0 
   emacs-restclient     1.07a3888 → 1.07a3888   
   emacs-rjsx-mode      0.2.0 → 0.2.0   
   emacs-skewer-mode    1.6.2 → 1.6.2   
   emacs-slime-company  1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-smartparens    1.10.1 → 1.10.1 
   emacs-suggest        0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-sx     0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-use-package    2.3 → 2.3       
   emacs-wget   0.5.0 → 0.5.0   
   emacs-writeroom      3.7 → 3.7       
   evince       3.24.1 → 3.24.1 
   fbida        2.12 → 2.12     
   feh  2.20 → 2.20     /gnu/store/irrsl4qmj5avy3ni072arz7yshdnjhk1-feh-2.20
   ffmpeg       3.3.4 → 3.3.4   
   file 5.30 → 5.30     /gnu/store/ipha10rh83rm0pvackx3jq8jr3hixpys-file-5.30
   fontconfig   2.12.3 → 2.12.3 
   gcc-toolchain        7.2.0 → 7.2.0   
   gcc-toolchain:debug  7.2.0 → 7.2.0   
   gcl  2.6.12 → 2.6.12 /gnu/store/5nx2916gdhfpk7gb444jlfczfnzba2bg-gcl-2.6.12
   gdb  8.0.1 → 8.0.1   /gnu/store/v2xl7ishzr5mnx93y1dlanmps1wwzhqa-gdb-8.0.1
   ghc  8.0.2 → 8.0.2   /gnu/store/3p1cpr7hb1v0nxnsmrr0zdzz3anldb8s-ghc-8.0.2
   ghc-pandoc   1.17.2 → 1.17.2 
   gimp 2.8.22 → 2.8.22 /gnu/store/xlksji0hsza53c1iddbj7347f4jjjbv8-gimp-2.8.22
   git  2.14.2 → 2.14.2 /gnu/store/vmbqw3ri5a8yppxg6ir6lf51dljvfz97-git-2.14.2
   gnupg        2.2.1 → 2.2.1   
   gnuplot      5.0.6 → 5.0.6   
   graphviz     2.38.0 → 2.38.0 
   guile        2.2.2 → 2.2.2   
   guile-git    0.0-3.e156a10 → 0.0-3.e156a10   
   guile-sdl2   0.2.0 → 0.2.0   
   guile-ssh    0.11.2 → 0.11.2 
   guix 0.13.0-6.a9468b4 → 0.13.0-6.a9468b4     
   haskell-mode 16.1 → 16.1     
   haunt        0.2.1 → 0.2.1   
   hlint        1.9.21 → 1.9.21 
   icecat       52.3.0-gnu1 → 52.3.0-gnu1       
   icedtea      3.5.1 → 3.5.1   
   inkscape     0.92.1 → 0.92.1 
   libgcrypt    1.7.8 → 1.7.8   
   libgnome-keyring     3.12.0 → 3.12.0 
   libreoffice →       
   libtool      2.4.6 → 2.4.6   
   lm-sensors   3.4.0 → 3.4.0   
   magit        2.10.3 → 2.10.3 
   mailutils    3.2 → 3.2       
   maxima       5.40.0 → 5.40.0 
   mps-youtube →       
   mpv  0.27.0 → 0.27.0 /gnu/store/r2njs4fdiqcj86bjx88fafprrnylpv6y-mpv-0.27.0
   nmap 7.60 → 7.60     /gnu/store/kdzp1588whz438ibdg58mznna121jsm6-nmap-7.60
   notmuch      0.25.1 → 0.25.1 
   password-store       1.7.1 → 1.7.1   
   pavucontrol  3.0 → 3.0       
   perf 4.13.4 → 4.13.4 /gnu/store/1h9615g4i1cabr2vcdhg0i6schmr0jvw-perf-4.13.4
   php  7.1.10 → 7.1.10 /gnu/store/h0l567y4xgyg1f7j6sni5x2j8qgcm8q4-php-7.1.10
   pinentry     1.0.0 → 1.0.0   
   ponymix      5 → 5   /gnu/store/viv6dc9xq4i87rv39wyis5r6ndl30vpk-ponymix-5
   proof-general        4.2 → 4.2       
   pulseaudio   10.0 → 10.0     
   python       3.5.3 → 3.5.3   
   python-internetarchive       1.7.1 → 1.7.1   
   python-livereload    2.5.1 → 2.5.1   
   python-starred       1.3.11.aa4c010 → 1.3.11.aa4c010 
   qemu 2.10.0 → 2.10.0 /gnu/store/m553wy0aq75fy2vh2l5y72szb6hvhv2r-qemu-2.10.0
   racket       6.8 → 6.8       
   recutils     1.7 → 1.7       
   redshift     1.11 → 1.11     
   rofi 1.3.1 → 1.3.1   /gnu/store/c01dbfb1lb3snkppyirlzrm6yhjf2ix5-rofi-1.3.1
   ruby-gitlab  4.2.0 → 4.2.0   
   rxvt-unicode 9.22 → 9.22     
   samba        4.6.8 → 4.6.8   
   sdl2 2.0.5 → 2.0.5   /gnu/store/gl6bidk9x7fy4li0yy75wr740cvaqkac-sdl2-2.0.5
   sdl2-image   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-mixer   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-ttf     2.0.14 → 2.0.14 
   seahorse     3.20.0 → 3.20.0 
   shellcheck   0.4.5 → 0.4.5   
   skribilo     0.9.3 → 0.9.3   
   texlive      2017 → 2017     
   the-silver-searcher  2.0.0 → 2.0.0   
   tome4        1.5.5 → 1.5.5   
   translate-shell →       
   virt-viewer  5.0 → 5.0       
   wget 1.19.1 → 1.19.1 /gnu/store/jd82i0lcx5rh7j6s1y8da6sdr7nikqcq-wget-1.19.1
   wireshark    2.4.1 → 2.4.1   
   xdg-utils    1.1.1 → 1.1.1   
   xinit        1.3.4 → 1.3.4   
   xorg-server  1.19.3 → 1.19.3 

substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://berlin.guixsd.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
The following derivations would be built:
* 1st upgrade

$ guix package --upgrade
The following packages will be upgraded:
   clang        3.9.1 → 3.9.1   
   emacs-ag     0.47 → 0.47     
   emacs-browse-at-remote       0.9.0-1.b5cff79 → 0.9.0-1.b5cff79       
   emacs-cider  0.15.0 → 0.15.0 
   emacs-company-lua    0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-company-quickhelp      2.3.0 → 2.3.0   
   emacs-company-tern   0.3.0 → 0.3.0   
   emacs-debbugs        0.14 → 0.14     
   emacs-dired-hacks    0.0.1-1.eda6800 → 0.0.1-1.eda6800       
   emacs-discover-my-major      1.0 → 1.0       
   emacs-dumb-jump      0.5.0 → 0.5.0   
   emacs-elisp-refs     1.2 → 1.2       
   emacs-emms-player-mpv        0.0.10 → 0.0.10 
   emacs-flycheck       30 → 30 
   emacs-git-messenger  0.18 → 0.18     
   emacs-helm-notmuch   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helm-youtube   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helpful        0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-highlight-numbers      0.2.3 → 0.2.3   
   emacs-indium 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0 → 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0       
   emacs-json-mode      1.7.0 → 1.7.0   
   emacs-org-edit-latex 0.8.0 → 0.8.0   
   emacs-org-pomodoro   2.1.0 → 2.1.0   
   emacs-org-protocol-capture-html      0.0.1-1.0e39b7e → 0.0.1-1.0e39b7e       
   emacs-org-ref        1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7 → 1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7       
   emacs-pdf-tools      0.80 → 0.80     
   emacs-projectile     0.14.0 → 0.14.0 
   emacs-restclient     1.07a3888 → 1.07a3888   
   emacs-rjsx-mode      0.2.0 → 0.2.0   
   emacs-skewer-mode    1.6.2 → 1.6.2   
   emacs-slime-company  1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-smartparens    1.10.1 → 1.10.1 
   emacs-suggest        0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-sx     0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-use-package    2.3 → 2.3       
   emacs-writeroom      3.7 → 3.7       
   fontconfig   2.12.3 → 2.12.3 
   gcc-toolchain:debug  7.2.0 → 7.2.0   
   guile        2.2.2 → 2.2.2   
   guile-git    0.0-3.e156a10 → 0.0-3.e156a10   
   guix 0.13.0-6.a9468b4 → 0.13.0-6.a9468b4     
   haskell-mode 16.1 → 16.1     
   haunt        0.2.1 → 0.2.1   
   libgcrypt    1.7.8 → 1.7.8   
   libgnome-keyring     3.12.0 → 3.12.0 
   libtool      2.4.6 → 2.4.6   
   magit        2.10.3 → 2.10.3 
   mps-youtube →       
   pulseaudio   10.0 → 10.0     
   python-internetarchive       1.7.1 → 1.7.1   
   python-livereload    2.5.1 → 2.5.1   
   python-starred       1.3.11.aa4c010 → 1.3.11.aa4c010 
   ruby-gitlab  4.2.0 → 4.2.0   
   sdl2 2.0.5 → 2.0.5   /gnu/store/ahxad8hf69ph2zfaqvcdz37yw4zv6rb6-sdl2-2.0.5
   sdl2-image   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-mixer   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-ttf     2.0.14 → 2.0.14 
   skribilo     0.9.3 → 0.9.3   
   translate-shell →       
   xdg-utils    1.1.1 → 1.1.1   
   xinit        1.3.4 → 1.3.4   
   xorg-server  1.19.3 → 1.19.3 

substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://berlin.guixsd.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
The following derivations will be built:
Creating manual page database for 181 packages... done in 18.528 s
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
warning: collision encountered: 
warning: arbitrarily choosing 
283 packages in profile
* 2nd dry-run

$ guix package --dry-run --upgrade
The following packages would be upgraded:
   aria2        1.32.0 → 1.32.0 
   audacity     2.1.3 → 2.1.3   
   bundler      1.15.4 → 1.15.4 
   chromium     59.0.3071.109 → 59.0.3071.109   
   clang        3.9.1 → 3.9.1   
   conkeror     1.0.3 → 1.0.3   
   cool-retro-term      1.0.0-1.e48719f → 1.0.0-1.e48719f       
   coq  8.5pl2 → 8.5pl2 /gnu/store/rjpb517s1lx23ixmrr5wrx50y725jp8j-coq-8.5pl2
   desktop-file-utils   0.23 → 0.23     
   emacs        25.3-1.6122596 → 25.3-1.6122596 
   emacs-ag     0.47 → 0.47     
   emacs-browse-at-remote       0.9.0-1.b5cff79 → 0.9.0-1.b5cff79       
   emacs-cider  0.15.0 → 0.15.0 
   emacs-company-lua    0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-company-quickhelp      2.3.0 → 2.3.0   
   emacs-company-tern   0.3.0 → 0.3.0   
   emacs-debbugs        0.14 → 0.14     
   emacs-dired-hacks    0.0.1-1.eda6800 → 0.0.1-1.eda6800       
   emacs-discover-my-major      1.0 → 1.0       
   emacs-dumb-jump      0.5.0 → 0.5.0   
   emacs-elisp-refs     1.2 → 1.2       
   emacs-emms   4.3 → 4.3       
   emacs-emms-player-mpv        0.0.10 → 0.0.10 
   emacs-flycheck       30 → 30 
   emacs-git-messenger  0.18 → 0.18     
   emacs-helm-notmuch   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helm-youtube   1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-helpful        0.1 → 0.1       
   emacs-highlight-numbers      0.2.3 → 0.2.3   
   emacs-indium 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0 → 0.7.3-1.d98a9e0       
   emacs-json-mode      1.7.0 → 1.7.0   
   emacs-org-edit-latex 0.8.0 → 0.8.0   
   emacs-org-pomodoro   2.1.0 → 2.1.0   
   emacs-org-protocol-capture-html      0.0.1-1.0e39b7e → 0.0.1-1.0e39b7e       
   emacs-org-ref        1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7 → 1.1.1-1.8c9b5d7       
   emacs-pdf-tools      0.80 → 0.80     
   emacs-projectile     0.14.0 → 0.14.0 
   emacs-restclient     1.07a3888 → 1.07a3888   
   emacs-rjsx-mode      0.2.0 → 0.2.0   
   emacs-skewer-mode    1.6.2 → 1.6.2   
   emacs-slime-company  1.1 → 1.1       
   emacs-smartparens    1.10.1 → 1.10.1 
   emacs-suggest        0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-sx     0.4 → 0.4       
   emacs-use-package    2.3 → 2.3       
   emacs-wget   0.5.0 → 0.5.0   
   emacs-writeroom      3.7 → 3.7       
   evince       3.24.1 → 3.24.1 
   fbida        2.12 → 2.12     
   feh  2.20 → 2.20     /gnu/store/irrsl4qmj5avy3ni072arz7yshdnjhk1-feh-2.20
   ffmpeg       3.3.4 → 3.3.4   
   file 5.30 → 5.30     /gnu/store/ipha10rh83rm0pvackx3jq8jr3hixpys-file-5.30
   fontconfig   2.12.3 → 2.12.3 
   gcc-toolchain        7.2.0 → 7.2.0   
   gcc-toolchain:debug  7.2.0 → 7.2.0   
   gcl  2.6.12 → 2.6.12 /gnu/store/5nx2916gdhfpk7gb444jlfczfnzba2bg-gcl-2.6.12
   gdb  8.0.1 → 8.0.1   /gnu/store/v2xl7ishzr5mnx93y1dlanmps1wwzhqa-gdb-8.0.1
   ghc  8.0.2 → 8.0.2   /gnu/store/3p1cpr7hb1v0nxnsmrr0zdzz3anldb8s-ghc-8.0.2
   ghc-pandoc   1.17.2 → 1.17.2 
   gimp 2.8.22 → 2.8.22 /gnu/store/xlksji0hsza53c1iddbj7347f4jjjbv8-gimp-2.8.22
   git  2.14.2 → 2.14.2 /gnu/store/vmbqw3ri5a8yppxg6ir6lf51dljvfz97-git-2.14.2
   gnupg        2.2.1 → 2.2.1   
   gnuplot      5.0.6 → 5.0.6   
   graphviz     2.38.0 → 2.38.0 
   guile        2.2.2 → 2.2.2   
   guile-git    0.0-3.e156a10 → 0.0-3.e156a10   
   guile-sdl2   0.2.0 → 0.2.0   
   guile-ssh    0.11.2 → 0.11.2 
   guix 0.13.0-6.a9468b4 → 0.13.0-6.a9468b4     
   haskell-mode 16.1 → 16.1     
   haunt        0.2.1 → 0.2.1   
   hlint        1.9.21 → 1.9.21 
   icecat       52.3.0-gnu1 → 52.3.0-gnu1       
   icedtea      3.5.1 → 3.5.1   
   inkscape     0.92.1 → 0.92.1 
   libgcrypt    1.7.8 → 1.7.8   
   libgnome-keyring     3.12.0 → 3.12.0 
   libreoffice →       
   libtool      2.4.6 → 2.4.6   
   lm-sensors   3.4.0 → 3.4.0   
   magit        2.10.3 → 2.10.3 
   mailutils    3.2 → 3.2       
   maxima       5.40.0 → 5.40.0 
   mps-youtube →       
   mpv  0.27.0 → 0.27.0 /gnu/store/r2njs4fdiqcj86bjx88fafprrnylpv6y-mpv-0.27.0
   nmap 7.60 → 7.60     /gnu/store/kdzp1588whz438ibdg58mznna121jsm6-nmap-7.60
   notmuch      0.25.1 → 0.25.1 
   password-store       1.7.1 → 1.7.1   
   pavucontrol  3.0 → 3.0       
   perf 4.13.4 → 4.13.4 /gnu/store/1h9615g4i1cabr2vcdhg0i6schmr0jvw-perf-4.13.4
   php  7.1.10 → 7.1.10 /gnu/store/h0l567y4xgyg1f7j6sni5x2j8qgcm8q4-php-7.1.10
   pinentry     1.0.0 → 1.0.0   
   ponymix      5 → 5   /gnu/store/viv6dc9xq4i87rv39wyis5r6ndl30vpk-ponymix-5
   proof-general        4.2 → 4.2       
   pulseaudio   10.0 → 10.0     
   python       3.5.3 → 3.5.3   
   python-internetarchive       1.7.1 → 1.7.1   
   python-livereload    2.5.1 → 2.5.1   
   python-starred       1.3.11.aa4c010 → 1.3.11.aa4c010 
   qemu 2.10.0 → 2.10.0 /gnu/store/m553wy0aq75fy2vh2l5y72szb6hvhv2r-qemu-2.10.0
   racket       6.8 → 6.8       
   recutils     1.7 → 1.7       
   redshift     1.11 → 1.11     
   rofi 1.3.1 → 1.3.1   /gnu/store/c01dbfb1lb3snkppyirlzrm6yhjf2ix5-rofi-1.3.1
   ruby-gitlab  4.2.0 → 4.2.0   
   rxvt-unicode 9.22 → 9.22     
   samba        4.6.8 → 4.6.8   
   sdl2 2.0.5 → 2.0.5   /gnu/store/gl6bidk9x7fy4li0yy75wr740cvaqkac-sdl2-2.0.5
   sdl2-image   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-mixer   2.0.1 → 2.0.1   
   sdl2-ttf     2.0.14 → 2.0.14 
   seahorse     3.20.0 → 3.20.0 
   shellcheck   0.4.5 → 0.4.5   
   skribilo     0.9.3 → 0.9.3   
   texlive      2017 → 2017     
   the-silver-searcher  2.0.0 → 2.0.0   
   tome4        1.5.5 → 1.5.5   
   translate-shell →       
   virt-viewer  5.0 → 5.0       
   wget 1.19.1 → 1.19.1 /gnu/store/jd82i0lcx5rh7j6s1y8da6sdr7nikqcq-wget-1.19.1
   wireshark    2.4.1 → 2.4.1   
   xdg-utils    1.1.1 → 1.1.1   
   xinit        1.3.4 → 1.3.4   
   xorg-server  1.19.3 → 1.19.3 

substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://berlin.guixsd.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org'... 
substitute: updating list of substitutes from 'https://hydra.gnu.org'... 100.0%
The following derivations would be built:
* diff '1st dry-run' '2nd dry-run'

$ diff d1 d3
<    /gnu/store/bkx9i089c65gxvdi6dplh90ivpx86j1b-profile.drv
<    /gnu/store/zaiwg8y84lljbxi7bxcm7xg77iadvsab-fonts-dir.drv
<    /gnu/store/z30nn4il3id6qg6rrnhj5gl1638h5nlv-gtk-im-modules.drv
<    /gnu/store/x2skfyrd7czhiwlw4klmg4qfhb2yjmb8-ca-certificate-bundle.drv
<    /gnu/store/w5mz49i00mm2mbxapdd4fgr62h45bdg8-xdg-mime-database.drv
<    /gnu/store/s033m41gvmi5vh8vxp1ss3kg9fn1vq5c-gtk-icon-themes.drv
<    /gnu/store/c5pbzmmq3wry3q6skl0npmkj0841fqlr-ghc-package-cache.drv
<    /gnu/store/9d9dbs45s35lk19r72dcxr8fwylw1hma-xdg-desktop-database.drv
<    /gnu/store/63mdm5ijbjz51s7yr83425ypdxc3npk2-info-dir.drv
<    /gnu/store/5356mf4y5ss11kcn8s9952b73wdkab3d-manual-database.drv
>    /gnu/store/pxh8ixl5xgmw2akipnzvwr5xgyazq92v-profile.drv
>    /gnu/store/x2y618ia18r297z16w2lb46l4yf3jnpi-xdg-mime-database.drv
>    /gnu/store/vglvydb2vlfdikv6lkz5ac6b06jg8h33-gtk-im-modules.drv
>    /gnu/store/rg8ggz7viclqnq36wqhrm6y70ivjv41z-gtk-icon-themes.drv
>    /gnu/store/d472ak3zy4j48r7mydmmd8fzkcgnffcb-ghc-package-cache.drv
>    /gnu/store/axkf41mfs4jy50bb2x0gg6hmra2s4slb-xdg-desktop-database.drv
>    /gnu/store/470sqxvm0mz84hybxxp95jvdhy4dqprs-fonts-dir.drv
>    /gnu/store/3b8gq5qfinlrf9zqd6p7xjnh2dwx2bxd-ca-certificate-bundle.drv
>    /gnu/store/1h7bgnfim7v1qs7shmnsi1kp2bj17xgx-info-dir.drv
>    /gnu/store/krz2y85j3rcs7a304qswslihq8ljd46z-manual-database.drv

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