On 01/14/2018 at 19:51 Hartmut Goebel writes:

> I wonder about the best-practice for managing VMs built using `guix
> system vm`.

I doubt this is best practice, but I have been using a bash script to
build, commission, and route VMs on a GuixSD server.  Because I want
self-contained, portable, stateful VMs that can also run elsewhere, I
use 'guix system vm-image'. I keep track of the VM config by caching the
config file and 'guix --version' w/the image, which must be copied out
of the store in order to run (and is therefore not affected by 'guix
gc'). I keep track of what's running and avoid colisions by forcing a
1-to-1 mapping between the image file name, VM name, TUN/TAP device
name, and MAC address.

HTH - George

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