> Also note that generations are generally lightweight

It's right. But I have another problem with different generations:
I build and install xfce4-cpugraph-plugin

├── lib
│   └── xfce4
│       └── panel
│           └── plugins
│               ├── libcpugraph.la
│               └── libcpugraph.so

of course xfce-panel does not see libcpugraph.so

├── bin
│   └── xfce4
│       └── panel
│           ├── migrate
│           ├── plugins
│           │   ├── libactions.la
│           │   ├── libactions.so
│           │   ├── libapplicationsmenu.la
│           │   ├── libapplicationsmenu.so
│           │   ├── libclock.la
│           │   ├── libclock.so
│           │   ├── libdirectorymenu.la
│           │   ├── libdirectorymenu.so
│           │   ├── liblauncher.la
│           │   ├── liblauncher.so
│           │   ├── libpager.la
│           │   ├── libpager.so
│           │   ├── libseparator.la
│           │   ├── libseparator.so
│           │   ├── libshowdesktop.la
│           │   ├── libshowdesktop.so
│           │   ├── libsystray.la
│           │   ├── libsystray.so
│           │   ├── libtasklist.la
│           │   ├── libtasklist.so
│           │   ├── libwindowmenu.la
│           │   └── libwindowmenu.so
│           ├── wrapper-1.0
│           └── wrapper-2.0

Problem! Probably I should to modify the "xfce" package itself, but it's
not so easy for me.

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