"Thompson, David" <dthomps...@worcester.edu> writes:

> Hi Pierre,
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2018 at 10:22 AM, Pierre Neidhardt
> <pe.neidha...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Do you people have recommendations when it comes to MTP (file sharing
>> with mobile devices) support on GuixSD?
>> Ideally I'd like something as straightforward as an auto-mounted folder
>> which I can browse with my favourite file browser.
>> I see Guix offers a few options:
>> - jmtpgs
>> - gmtp
>> - libmtp
>> What's your setup, people?

MTP works (sort of) for me on GNOME.  In the past, I know it also worked
on Xfce for me, too (I haven't tested that recently, though).  I use
Nautilus.  One very important caveat is that it does NOT work until
after I do the following things:

(1) Connect my phone to my computer with a USB cable.

(2) Enable the "file transfer" mode from the phone's UI.

(3) On the computer, press Control+Alt+F2 to switch to a virtual
terminal, and then press Control+Alt+F7 to switch back to my graphical

I have no idea why (3) is necessary for me.  However, if I don't do (3),
then even though I see the phone listed in Nautilus' browsing window,
clicking on it has no effect.  Once I do (3), when I click on the phone
in Nautilus, it finally shows me the files and lets me transfer things.
It's a mystery to me.  In the past, I looked into this, but I was not
able to solve the mystery:


Hope that helps,


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