Many thanks, Pierre.

Can one also mix Vixie-style things in `~/.config/cron/` ?

It probably doesn't matter since I think I've figured out mcron native
syntax.  I was looking everywhere in "(mcron) Top" for an example of "do
X every N minutes", but finally figured out that this works (at least I
hope so):

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(job '(next-minute (range 0 60 5)) "dosomethingevery5minutes")
(job '(next-minute (range 0 60 10)) "dosomethingevery10minutes")
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

Benjamin Slade -
  `(pgp_fp: ,(21BA 2AE1 28F6 DF36 110A 0E9C A320 BBE8 2B52 EE19))
    '(sent by mu4e on Emacs running under GNU/Linux . )
       `(Choose Linux ,(Choose Freedom) . )

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