On 30/10/2018 19.27, Anthony Eslick wrote:
When I run "guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt" I get a message that infinitely scrolls across the screen

substitute: guix substitute: warning: while fetching 'https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org/nix-cache-info': 504 ("Gateway Time-out") substitute: guix substitute: warning: ignoring substitute server at '"https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org";'


Assembled from several posts:

hydra.gnu.org is currently down and mirror.hydra.gnu.org is just proxying it.

See https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2018-10/msg00434.html

As described at

After `guix archive --authorize < berlin.guixsd.org.pub`
you may run commands with:

You may want to add this setting globally and permanently, so you don't have to specify it every time you run guix. You can do this by passing the option to the guix daemon

- when using GuixSD, modify guix-service in your system configuration, by specifying the substitute-urls in the configuration. (see guix-configuration in https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Base-Services.html )

Not applicable in your case:

- when using guix on another distribution with systemd, you can modify the the ExecStart line in /etc/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service as follows:

ExecStart=/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/guix-profile/bin/guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild "--substitute-urls=https://mirror.hydra.gnu.org https://berlin.guixsd.org";;

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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