Yes, you are right. I do not need all these services:

- avahi-daemon ,
- ntpd,
- networking

But this config does not remove them:

  (services (cons*  ;;(tor-service)
                    (service postgresql-service-type)
                      (remove! (lambda (service)
                        (eq? (service-kind service) 
                               avahi-service-type ntp-service-type ntpd 
                      );end of remove
                        c => (elogind-configuration (handle-lid-switch 
                    );;end of modify desktop-srvices
  ));;end of services

# guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm
upgrade, and restart each service that was not automatically restarted.
shepherd: Evaluating user expression (let* ((services (map primitive-load (?))) 
# ?) ?).
shepherd: Service user-homes could not be started.
shepherd: Service term-auto could not be started.
shepherd: Service wpa-supplicant has been started.
shepherd: Service networking has been started.
shepherd: Service ntpd has been started.
shepherd: Service avahi-daemon has been started.

# herd status
 + avahi-daemon
 + networking
 + ntpd

My question is how to remove at all these services: avahi, ntpd, networking. My 
current config does not fulfill this.

I need only these packages: wpa_supplicant, dhclient, and graphical services 
from %desktop services. So I need %desktop-services, but want to remove avahi, 
ntpd and networking from that list.
Would you correct my config?

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