Mike Gerwitz <m...@gnu.org> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 15:09:51 -0500, Joshua Branson wrote:
>> Now, when you start icecat, you may have to click on the tor plugin to
>> activate it, but it normally autostarts for me.
>> Also, at least for me, that doesn't configure my browser to access tor
>> hidden services.  But it does run all of your http traffic through the
>> tor network, which is pretty cool.
> That's concerning to me: it seems to imply that DNS requests are _not_
> being proxied through Tor, which could leak very sensitive information
> to your ISP and other parties.

Really!?  That's annoying.  We should probably report that as a bug!
It's not much help if your DNS is going to your ISP!

> I use FoxyProxy Standard[0] (just by habit over the many years I've used
> Tor with Firefox), so I hadn't tried the Addon distributed with
> Icecat.  FoxyProxy has an option to proxy DNS requests through Tor (and
> does so by default IIRC).

I'm actually super curious about using local proxies!  Ludo uses a
different proxy I think...but there are probably a ton of proxies that
you can run.  Can you give me a brief overview of why to use proxies...?

I'm also interested in performance caching proxies...

> [0]: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/FoxyProxy_Standard

Joshua Branson
Sent from Emacs and Gnus

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