> this looks like it's part of an operating-system declaration. Is that right?

That's right.

> When you run guix pull, a new guix is installed for the user who ran it.

And who updates the system libraries and kernel? Root? Well, what is
stated in  operating-system declaration?

> Try 'guix system reconfigure <path to config.scm>' instead.

A! That is the question! So what to use for the upgrade system?!
Upgrade or reconfigure? My operating-system declaration is the same.
Not perfect, but I'll fix it later, with the help of 'reconfigure'
(add noatime options as example).

> I'm not sure what that is... can you give a more concrete example?

I'll leave it for later, it seems particular.

> I hope I could help a little :)

In general, I understand everything. But! Update 0.15 -> 0.16 did not
work. Errors are not saved, I will try again.

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