Dear Giovanni,

> since I used the binary install script [1] I think we should easily
> patch that so that it also "guix package -i glibc-utf8-locales" for lazy
> users like me :-)

It should be: "guix package -i glibc-locales".
Because glibc-utf8-locales only contains the locales ("de_DE" "el_GR"
"en_US" "fr_FR" "tr_TR"). If I understand well.

To patch correctly, the locale should be guessed by the script and the
variant glibc-LOC-locales should be built on-the-fly and installed.
It is some work and I am not sure it will pay off. :-)

> this is also not clearly stated in
> do it need to be fixed?

>From my opinion, yes. :-)

All the best,

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