El 2019-02-08 14:40, Pierre Neidhardt escribió:
>> > To install the recsel comand, you need to install the package
>> > recutils. Then give a look at the manual:
>> > https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-package.html#Invoking-guix-package
>> What  a fine explanation! I filled in some of my own knowledge gaps with
>> it. It would be great to include something like that on the manual.
> Well, the quote link is precisely the manual :)

The examples on the original email were more explanatory than those on
the manual.

> That said, if you can pin point sections that could be improve, please send
> your suggestions to the mailing list, we should never stop working on the fine
> manual :)

I suggest adding the examples you posted on your email at the --search
section of guix package.

>> I looked at this part. But I am missing some exercise such as the
>> previous one on Emacs-Guix. It would help introduce myself on some
>> practical use of that promising package. Would someone provide such
>> thing please?
> Are you asking for example of use cases of Emacs-Guix?


> Sure, for instance you can can list your installed packages, click on a 
> package
> to display it's details, install other outputs from there, display the graphs,
> etc.
> You can list generations and "diff" them!  (One of my favourite feats!)
> Then you can switch and delete generations.
> There are helper functions for development, such as a "build-log-mode" to
> navigate the build phase outputs (e.g. you jump from the "configure phase" to
> the "build phase"), you can even toggle-fold the phase outputs.
> And so much more!
> Emacs-Guix has a very complete manual:
> https://emacs-guix.gitlab.io/website/manual/latest/html_node/index.html

The explanation you give above is not as great as your examples were on
your previous email for guix package. But I think that the Emacs-guix
looks good. I will review it.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

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