<zna...@tutanota.com> writes:

> Hi! I've learned that guix manual updates with the updates more quickly than
> manual's web-page.
> But `info guix` is hard for using. I like html.
> Please, let me know if it is possible to transform `info guix` to text file 
> or html or pdf?

It is possible to convert info into html and pdf.  Guix's manual changes
all the time.  Trying to keep the website up-to-date is a tough task.
Perhaps you would like to give this a try?

> PS: I tried to learn `info` commands but using mouse and search by web-page in
> browser is better.

I used to feel the same way.  But info is super cool once you get the
hang of it.  It is especially awesome inside emacs.  M-x helm-info-guix
is probably my favorite command.  It lets you search through all of the
guix documentation.  Try going through the info tutorial.  "info info".
It'll be dividends.  

Joshua Branson
Sent from Emacs and Gnus

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