but I've copied my files into /home/mom/.fonts and icecat started to work fine.

$ ls /home/mom/.fonts
'a_AvanteLt Light.ttf' 'Minion Pro Bold.ttf'
'Academy Old Regular.ttf' 'Myriad Pro Light Italic.ttf'
'Academy Regular.ttf' 'Myriad Pro Light Regular.ttf'
'a_FuturaRound Bold.ttf' pehlevi.ttf
'AvantGarde Regular.ttf' 'PF Monumenta Pro Regular.ttf'
'Century Gothic Regular.ttf' 'Pragmatica Bold.ttf'
'Century Schoolbook Regular.ttf' 'Pragmatica Cyrillic.ttf'
'FreeSet Regular.ttf' 'Pravda Regular.ttf'
'Izhitsa Regular.ttf' 'Tracia Regular.ttf'
'Lazurski Regular.ttf' 'Verdana Regular.ttf'
May 20, 2019 6:30 PM, "Gábor Boskovits" < 
 < (> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. máj. 
20., H, 12:04): Hello! I've installed Icecat for another user and then fonts 
glibc-utf8-locales, font-adobe-source-han-sans, font-gn,u-freefont-ttf, 
font-wqy-microhei, font-cns11643

But Icecat has no choice for the font Verdana there, and sans-serif looks nasty.

On my account Icecat has Verdana as dafalut font and everything ok.

Please, what to do for Icecat use Verdana? It absents in font list in Icecat 
under second user account. 
Did you update the fc cache? 
Best regards, 

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