'Expression is evaluated'??
Maybe better is 'the package that matches expression'?

'Consider' - here it means 'to use'. But dictionary meaning of 'consider' is 
'think about', 'regard' [1], so this is hard for understanding.

Guix Manual, in general, has simple language, good understanding, but sometimes 
its author cracks reader's mind.

Hope it will be rewritten and some sensual things (such as partitioning and 
typing Bios Grub config) will be added.

[1] https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/consider

June 24, 2019 3:50 PM, "Andreas Enge" <andr...@enge.fr> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 06:27:26PM +0000, zna...@disroot.org wrote:
>> I cannot understand this string from manual:
>> "Consider the package expr evaluates to."
> This is an English shortcut for the following:
> "Consider the package to which expr evaluates."
> So when expr is evaluated, it becomes a package; consider this package.
> Actually I wonder whether it should not be in passive voice?
> "Consider the package to which expr is evaluated?". Native speaker needed!
> Andreas

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