If you want any idea, I use freevpn.me and vpnbook.com accounts with 'openvpn' 
package. All guix commands download normally. And in terminal I have vpn ip 
(for freevpn.me):

$ curl ifconfig.io

But really I am not sure which is my ip when guix downloads.

July 4, 2019 12:53 PM, mar...@famic.de wrote:

> Hi there!
> This is my first contact with Guix System and I managed to install it as
> Virtualbox guest system behind a corporate proxy. Well, this was already
> quite a challenge and succeeded only due the workaround
> (https://guix-devel.gnu.narkive.com/k3oBoFqW/changing-http-proxy-settings-in-guixsd),
> but now `guix install` works, I can install new packages (given a
> warning about never calling `guix pull`). However, calling `guix pull`
> and `guix system reconfigure` still fails due to unreachable network.
> Does it need different proxy settings? What can I do?
> Here is the guix-configuration part of my /etc/config.scm (omitting my
> proxy address details):
> (define %my-services
> (modify-services %desktop-services
> (guix-service-type config =>
> (guix-configuration
> (inherit config)
> (http-proxy "http://<IP>:<PORT>")))))
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Martin

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