Hi guix,

My system requires me to have dovecot and pigeonhole. So I packaged it. I created two none public packages and merged them into one big package.

But wouldn't it be better to do it the same way as debian does?Every component lives in a separate package, and if I need some library I don't have to install the giant package.

The problem I encountered is that dovecot has mail_plugin_dir property which does not accept multiple folders. It means I have to put and install new plugins in the very same directory with existing plugins. rpath is not an option here. Even if a library knows where to load its dependencies, dovecot doesn't aware of it.

Is there a way to have shared store folder? Debian overrides rpath to all dovecot extensions and set it to /usr/dovecot/lib.

Or maybe create a dummy package and use it as a storage for the libraries? What is the right approach here?

I also checked how nixos does it, and I don't like this approach, they patch source code and install their libs in /etc


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