>> Trying to use it, after I installed it system wide and rebooted I get
>> this;
>> ~ ᐅ sudo nmcli con up vpn-fnb --ask
>> Error: Connection activation failed: The VPN service 
>> 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.openconnect' was not installed.
>> I read the manual which says:
>>      ‘vpn-plugins’ (default: ‘'()’)
>>           This is the list of available plugins for virtual private
>>           networks (VPNs).  An example of this is the
>>           ‘network-manager-openvpn’ package, which allows NetworkManager
>>           to manage VPNs via OpenVPN.
>> I therefore tried this in my config
>> (network-manager-service-type
>>  config => (network-manager-configuration
>>             (inherit config)
>>             (dns "dnsmasq")
>>             (vpn-plugins '("network-manager-openconnect"))
>>             ))
> If nothing else, you should go with the `network-manager-openconnect'
> package object here. In your snippet, you are referring to the string
> "network-manager-openconnect" instead.
> Something like the following should solve your immediate issue:
>   (vpn-plugins (list network-manager-openconnect))

Makes total sense and fixed my issue. lol. Thank you!

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My personal mail server was down due to upstream ISP blocking incoming
port 80 (go figure!), which broke my SSL cert renewals, so I temporarily
used work mail. :grin:

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