> > Unfortunately, both Selam Gano
Seam Gano is pound scum. If I could think of a better term I would. > The statement claims that Stallman has been alienating a large part of > the target audience. People have said that for decades but nobody made a petition on a major Gnu Project. > It doesn't say how; It doesn't say how because it is malicious in its intent and it is a big fat lie. > > Finally it says that Richard Stallman can't speak for all of GNU And that is twisting language and words without meaning. Nobody can speak for all of anything, but themselves. Never the less, Stallman speaks for all GNU, and frankly, GNU is not a democracy. As it always has been, if you don't like it, see the door. > Collective decision-making sounds pretty nice, No it doesn't. Collective decision making is a lynch mob, and it is never nice. It is ALWAYS bad. > Suggestions for improvement > --------------------------- > The signers should just resign from GNU and the FSF and take a hike.