Marco van Hulten <> writes:

> Marius—
> Je 31 okt 23:49 skribis Marius:
>> Marco van Hulten <> writes:
>> > I have an oldish amd64 system with 2 GiB of memory, but it is fast
>> > enough to use as a media center.  Guix was last updated early this
>> > year.  Upgrading it now takes many days.  It keeps on swapping (using
>> > quite consistently 2 of 4 GiB of swap available).
>> >
>> > Do you think the swapping is the reason that it takes so long?
>> >
>> > Would it be a general strong advice to use more than 2 GiB, or is it
>> > likely useful to give details like which program is compiling (as in a
>> > proper bug report)?  
>> Ideally you should not have to compile anything.  Have you authorized
>> the signing key?
> I did not authorize that signing key.  Now that I have, upgrading the
> system and installing packages goes much faster.

Glad it worked!

It would be ideal if Guix printed a warning when using a substitute
server whose signing key is not authorized.  Any volunteers?  :-)

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