Hello! I want to buy usb wifi-adapter for PC. I've discovered that RYF 
recommends only devices from abroad webshops, but I cannot order from there, 
cause there is no guarantee their services are good and clean (RYF certifies 
only devices but not vendors and their services, I know).

I want to buy in my city from Russian webshop. Please, let me know which device 
from those I can use under Guix:

There are no Atheros.

Only Asus, DEXP, Zyxel, Intel, TP-Link, D-Link, Tenda, Xiami.

Can I run something without any additional drivers compilations, just typing 
'ifconfig wlp2s0 up && wpa_supplicant -B -i wlp2s0 -c w.conf && dhclient -v 
wlp2s0' ???

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