Raghav Gururajan <raghavgurura...@disroot.org> writes:

> Ah I see. Btw, guix does not use udisks to mount file-systems right?

> Like mounting root file-system at "/", guix just uses mount command correct?


> Oh. I have to read about types of services then. As a guess, is it the
> difference between service running 'system-wide' and 'as and for that user'?

Correct.  For now Guix does not deal with user services.
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
>> (define auto-mount
>>   (make <service>
>>     #:provides '(auto-mount)
>>     #:start (make-system-constructor "udiskie &")
>>     #:stop (make-system-destructor "pkill udiskie")
>>     #:respawn? #t))
>> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> Thanks so much. Just to double check, should I put this in my config.scm?

No, since Guix does not deal with user services.
You'd put the above snippet in ~/.config/shepherd/init.scm:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(register-services (list auto-mount))
(action 'shepherd 'daemonize)
(for-each start (append (list auto-mount)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


See my dotfiles of a complete example:


Pierre Neidhardt

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