I came late to this issue, but I think this should have been posted on
development mailing list. It's not good if we use the general help list
to foster non-free software like Firefox or those which are third-party
package managers with no default repository explicitly commited to
following the GNU FSDG.

Furthermore, to ease the sides of both the thread starter and the
community, I'm taking a simplification in that I'm considering the use
of such non-free software for purpose of developing or improving a free
replacement. That means I'm not discussing the merit of whether the
question should or shouldn't have been answered the way it was.

One must be remind though, that the GNU FSDG isn't only about the
packages distributed (software, documentation, text fonts, etc), but
also about the community, and this is one of the things that keep Debian
out of the list of free system distributions.

Em 12/05/2020 16:23, Efraim Flashner escreveu:
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 10:31:02PM +0200, Guillaume Le Vaillant wrote:
>> Christopher Lemmer Webber <cweb...@dustycloud.org> skribis:
>>> Anyone have a package definition (or channel) for a recent vanilla
>>> firefox?
>>> I understand the decision to prefer distributing Icecat instead in Guix
>>> proper, but I need a more recent version of things... I suspect others
>>> sometimes do too.  I have a feeling at least someone in the community
>>> has written such a definition... would you mind sharing?
>>> Thanks!
>>>  - Chris
>> Hi,
>> There is a channel at
>> https://forge.monarch-pass.net/warrah/warrah-nonfsdg with a package
>> definition for Firefox 74.0.1. I haven't tested it though.
> Other options include using the now official flatpak copy of firefox. If
> you do go that route make sure to use the '--user' flag for flatpak so
> it doesn't segfault while trying to write to /var/lib/flatpak.

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