Good morning all,

For reasons I can’t divine, guix broke on my CentOS7 system and reinstalling 
does not fix the problem.  What might be going on here?


This script installs GNU Guix on your system

Press return to continue...

[1590413635.116]: Starting installation (Mon May 25 09:33:55 EDT 2020)

[1590413635.123]: [ PASS ] verification of required commands completed

[1590413635.160]: [ INFO ] init system is: system

[1590413635.166]: [ INFO ] system is x86_64-linux

[1590413635.236]: [ PASS ] Release for your system: 

[1590413635.239]: [ INFO ] Downloading Guix release archive

--2020-05-25 09:33:55--

Resolving (, 2001:470:142:3::b

Connecting to (||:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 73549980 (70M) [application/x-tar]

Saving to: ‘/tmp/guix.2yo/guix-binary-1.1.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz’

 73,549,980  86.4MB/s   in 0.8s

2020-05-25 09:33:56 (86.4 MB/s) - 
‘/tmp/guix.2yo/guix-binary-1.1.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz’ saved [73549980/73549980]

--2020-05-25 09:33:56--

Reusing existing connection to

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 833 [application/pgp-signature]

Saving to: ‘/tmp/guix.2yo/guix-binary-1.1.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz.sig’

 833         --.-K/s   in 0s

2020-05-25 09:33:56 (33.4 MB/s) - 
‘/tmp/guix.2yo/guix-binary-1.1.0.x86_64-linux.tar.xz.sig’ saved [833/833]

FINISHED --2020-05-25 09:33:56—

Total wall clock time: 0.9s

Downloaded: 2 files, 70M in 0.8s (86.4 MB/s)

[1590413636.112]: [ PASS ] download completed.

[1590413637.038]: [ PASS ] Signature is valid.

[1590413649.436]: [ PASS ] unpacked archive

[1590413649.439]: [ INFO ] Installing /var/guix and /gnu...

[1590413649.447]: [ INFO ] Linking the root user's profile

[1590413649.454]: [ PASS ] activated root profile at /root/.config/guix/current

[1590413649.460]: [ INFO ] group guixbuild exists

[1590413649.486]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.526]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.546]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.565]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.585]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.604]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.623]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.642]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.661]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413649.680]: [ INFO ] user is already in the system, reset

[1590413650.090]: [ PASS ] enabled Guix daemon via system

[1590413650.092]: [ INFO ] making the guix command available to other users

Permit downloading pre-built package binaries from the project's build farm? 
(yes/no) y

warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)

[1590413661.389]: [ PASS ] Authorized public key for

[1590413661.392]: [ INFO ] cleaning up /tmp/guix.2yo

[1590413661.420]: [ PASS ] Guix has successfully been installed!

[1590413661.422]: [ INFO ] Run 'info guix' to read the manual.

marshjo@ldg-jgm018:Downloads$ guix

relocation error:

/usr/lib64/ symbol _dl_starting_up version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined 
in file with link time reference



My $LD_LIBRARY_PATH after installation is the following


marshjo@ldg-jgm018:Downloads$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH



I suspect Oracle’s `sqlplus` is to blame, but the changes made by that install 
are effectively undocumented.

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