Efraim Flashner <efr...@flashner.co.il> wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 01:34:18AM +0300, Dmitry Alexandrov wrote:
>> zna...@disroot.org wrote:
>>> protonvpn installs own client written on python3 requiring pip3.  It works 
>>> fine after installation under root.
>>> Could you … make some advices?
>> Guix aside, I definitely could advise you to stop using obscure ad-hoc 
>> software, that has to be run with superuser rights, when itʼs not necessary. 
>>  And in your case itʼs not.
> This is certainly not useful advice.

I have another experience.  Quite a few people found an idea, that many 
services can be easily (in fact, sometimes even _easier_) be used without 
installing any ad-hoc branded software, new to them.  (Welcome to 2020. ;-).

> It's not up to you to determine which software is appropriate and acceptable 
> for another user to run.

How have your thought shifted from from ‘advise’ to ‘determine’, I wonder?

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